it’s ugly. it’s betrayal. it’s pound-your-fist-against-the-wall-and-scream-“WHY?!” it’s disassembling. it’s sorting the pieces. it’s keeping the truth and burning the rest. it’s sifting through the sand to find the foundation you built your life on. it’s shoring up the walls, or tearing them down. it’s taking on one revelation at a time. it’s finding peace in the storm. it’s losing that peace when you lose focus. it’s finding it again. it’s starting the steps over. again. and again. and again. and then you’re on the other side. and it’s only done by Jesus’s power in you when you accept him as King of your world. and then you do it all again, because you’re either in the storm or between storms, but now you can see Jesus in the storm and know it’ll all be OK in the end.